Startups and Skills-Teams

Leverage our Skills 31 Teams®  Organizational Structure for your business goals

Your new idea, product or service needs to be brought to market by a Startup-Team using our organizational structure. If you are the inventor or founder of the startup, you must lead the Startup-Team. 

If you are an Information Technology (IT) expert who wants to expand your provision of IT services in our business ecosystem, you need to form a Skills-Team of IT experts and support persons. 

If your passion is marketing and you see many possibilities in our business ecosystem, you'll also know why you must form a Skills-Team as soon as possible. 

If you have experience with customer service, then you know that our business ecosystem needs many customer-support persons who are organized into Skills 31 Teams®.

Let me introduce myself.

I am Professor PDK. My professional business and economic expertise started well over 50 years ago when I was recruited by Bank of America to assist the two Executives who reported to the Chairman of the Board with the minute details. These two gentlemen were structural bankers who recruited a numbers theorist and specialist in natural management and organization. My first task (without any OK) was to reorganize the staff of a department that I identified as the cause of data processing delays affecting all of the 1,000 or so California Branches. This reorganization required about 70% of the staff at this department to go. I interacted with the Federal Reserve on a daily basis. OK, enough said.

Money, debt and equity are not well understood by the best of the economic and banking minds today. Yes, the work of these guys and gals is essential. But they do not understand that what we call money must be analyzed through the laws of physics which I went back to after my banking days.

If you consistently earn the $7,000 monthly minimum how much is the future value of this income stream if left untouched? Some experts use 30 years as the lifetime for these types of questions. This means that over 30 years you will have accumulated $2,520,000 from $7,000; or $3,600,000 if your income stream is $10,000 monthly.

Built into the funding portion of the Skills 31 Teams® structure is how each team member will be able to bring 163% of this income stream to the present and have access to it with no debt.

The Training for the Skills 31 Teams® is a function of use. Training in how to use the Organizational Structure (31 positions) and the Action-Management Structure (39 verbs) of the Skills 31 Teams® comes from each team member’s hands-on engagement in real-life business scenarios. Team members are enrolled in the Public Company Academy(TM) where they complete a nine-month course. 

In the Terms & Conditions of Skills 31 Teams® is a Trade Secret clause. This Trade Secret clause is one of the reasons why org913® is behind a firewall.
A Peek behind the Org913© Firewall

Notice that the Skills 31 Teams® Structure is “triangular.” Positions 2 and 17 (the assistant leaders) are reporting to Position 1 (the team leader). Positions 3 and 10 (the 1st and 2nd Chiefs) are reporting to Position 2. Positions 18 and 25 (the 3rd and 4th Chiefs) are reporting to Position 17.

When the team leader logs into he or she will see the team-structure part and the active-management part of this Skills 31 Teams® Organizational Structure. The team-structure part has 31 positions where two 15-member positions are connected to the team leader’s position. 
The active-management part has 39 natural ways that the team leader can see the 31 dynamic tasks in units. There are 16 Visible and 23 Invisible ways to use the Management based on “Verbs” found at the far-right column. In this column you will find the Number 496 “Fullness of Power” or another name for each member working on a time-to-time single task determined ONLY by the team leader.

All these details are available behind the firewall at the website. With each position having its own row, there are 31 rows. There are 14 columns. To have login access behind the firewall you must be a member of one of the completed Skills 31 Teams® with your 1st month’s $9.99 fee paid up. All members of any completed team should set up an automatic $9.99 monthly recurring payment with Paypal and then login to start using our Organizational Structure.New Paragraph

Some Projects Managed by Skills 31 Teams®

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